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Allow Me To Introduce Myself

 Allow me to indroduce myself… or at least who I am today… at this time anyways. I identify as mom, momma, mommy, bro, ma’am… but who am I really? THAT my friends is the question we have all been asking. Have you ask that? 

Maybe you are like me? Have you grabbed every self help book off the shelf? Or if you are really like me… purchased the audiobook on your phone to try and listen to as you tread the waters of motherhood? 

Well speaking of being a momma… in the movie Moana there is a scene I am enchanted with. When Te Fiti is covered in ash and volcanic rock… you know the “monster” with flames coming out of her head? No, I’m not referring to me in the mornings! Anyways, Te Fiti heads across the waters.. screaming, angry, boiling, agitated. Moana speaks to her soul and says she knows who Tafiti truely is! Moana restores her heart, and the ash, Rock, flames… they just fall to the ground. Heavy. The viewer sees a whole new woman appear, and she is beautiful, vibrant, plants from head to toe… maybe we don’t want our bodies to be covered in dirt and plants, BUT we do want to grow. 

Why did this scene speak to my tired, lost, mom soul? Hear me out… what if we, as mommas, are Te Fiti? What if Moana is in the role of God? God is saying momma… I know who you are! Who you truely are… and all our ash, rock, and flames fall heavy to the floor. A beautiful woman with growth and an identity other than momma emerges. This… this is a whole moment! So how do you find your moment? How do you feel this moment? 

Well friend… that is what this little blog is about! Join me if you are lost in the mom identity… join me as I search for my moment. Who the Lord created.. who is the chick stuck in there? Cause she is deep and she needs savin’! 

Maybe your not a momma? Maybe you are in your mid to late 20s… everyone is getting married and doing the life thing.. you are over there killin’ it as a dog momma.. Maybe you hear me talk about God here, and you aren’t a Christian? There’s no judgement here.. we can all be lost and still hold hands and swim this journey together… you come on girl! Maybe you are mid to late 30s and your learning yourself now that those kids are off to school! I got a sister in your spot… Maybe you are an f-bomb mom… get in here! Maybe your a little guilty, ashamed, hiding and trying to search for you.. because it is a gift to be a momma and you should appreciate it. Break those chains sister! Get in here! You can be a great mother and have an identity too.. our daughters need a mentor right? A successful woman that has interest to teach, hobbies to involve, and a smile on our face. What about our baby boys? One day they will grow and marry (look I don’t like the thought any more than you do) we will want them to find vibrant women who stand strong in themselves and bring happiness and value to the table… and Maybe you have found yourself reading this, and you want to be a momma so bad it hurts… I see you, I hear you, I am praying for you… I have a family member in the same spot. Love is all I can give. 

The point? Everyone above… all the what ifs… have something in common… women! We are all women, in a rut, in a spot, in a search… in a journey to our moment. Here is a heavy what if… what if, we lifted eachother up and praised the journey, praised the woman, praised the moment… 

Here it is midnight… I think it is safe to say I will be lookin’ like Te Fiti in the morning! So I will leave you with this… I don’t care your age, your chaos, your color, your price range, your looks, your style, your interest, or even that you may or may not have showered 5 days ago… im lifting you above my head… yes just like dirty dancing. Together, we are going to search for who we are as women. I’m going to write what I find in my journey and if that helps you, I’ve done my job! If it’s made you smile, I’ve done my job… if it makes you feel not so alone, I’ve done my job. 

Come on..

Love you, mean it. 



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