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Gift of Writing, True Gift of Passion

Precious Jayma. The ending to most emails. The beginning and ending to most voicemails. When the call was not answered, from tone to tone, wisdom, love, endearment rang. Precious memories archived in technology of her beautiful voice. Forever. Lucky me.

Melinda Jonelle Gerner… In my opinion one of the most influential women to ever walk the planet. No she wasn’t in history books, no one made a monument of her… but she lives on in everyone she touched through her life.

Writing… a skill, a talent, a gift. Some go to school for many years and learn the art. They write significant pieces with their bought knowledge and perfect their trade through many more years of experience. Some… Some are born with a gift to make music through pen and paper. Their keyboard works for them and with it their fingers produce works of art. My grandmother could make the sweetest melodies with her gift of writing. Every word leaving you hanging for another. Laughter, sadness, love… It poured from her into the world. Writing a book about her family, this woman conquered publishing a book. The book of course was crafted and produced for her children and grandchildren. But what an achievement. A blog also holds her works. A blog that has been seen hundreds of times in several different countries… The woman could spit gold.

One of her wishes was me following the path of writing. You deny your own work sometimes, but many have stated I carry the same DNA as her when it comes to this subject. No one can tell a 20 something what to do though. So for years I have fought this idea. Perhaps I would be a good nurse… the answer is no. Perhaps I would make a good graphic designer… ok I succeeded in that one. My success being, I built a career off that talent. I pushed forward in the industry. Created magazine articles, advertisements, even a cat scratcher… and yes I loved it.

Back to wondering… wondering who I am. Who I should be. Reinventing myself. Wandering through the journey. Here I am at the computer. Typing away. Where it makes me absolutely no money. Where I have only started. What is success? How is it measured? Is it a high paycheck? Promotion maybe? It could be… but does it fulfill?? I asked that question in my wandering down the path of me.

I realized that success is defined by a lot more than worldly achievements. In studies, I have noted that it’s in our passions we find happiness. When we feel “centered” we find fulfillment. The word “centered” is a hard one for some. I am still learning the true meaning of it. But I am finding feelings of it through writing. I am finding fulfillment in writing. I am remembering the most influential woman in my life. Feeling closer and closer to her as I wander down this path. So is that success?

Still wandering through the process, but taking a moment to thank God for the talent, the passion, the grandmother. When wondering where I should be… I am realizing, I had one hell of a teacher. My parents stuck me in every AP English program, which I hated at the moment. I am finding my journals through my teenage years that are currently helping my daughter find her way in her wandering. What if my words helped another find their journey, their answers, not feel alone in the wandering. That sounds like a win… We often translate wins into success. Did I find it?

I am going to continue to wander and wonder. Today I remember the woman that made words come to life. The woman that appeared to be a super hero in my eyes. Teaching me some of the most valuable lessons along the way. What a gift.

Here is to you precious Jo.


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